Thanks for the very informative explanation about how the needle picks up the bobbin thread, and what out of time means in relation to a sewing machine’s function. I loved seeing the close up video it epitomises the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. Great article.

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Another great article, Cale. Thanks for clearly explaining to us what the term, ‘out of time’ really means. The sewing community often uses that term as an all-encompassing description of a problem when a sewing machine is not working properly. Now we know what it really means. Thanks again.

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Helpful- thanks

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Are you going to do a review of 2024 sewing machines? The one you did for 2023 was great. Please say YES!

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Hi Cale, I believe you made a misstatement in your article. You wrote:

"What does it look like for the needle-hook timing to be off?

If the needle fails to catch the thread loop from the needle eye, a stitch will not get made— AKA skipped stitches."

Did you mean to say, If the HOOK fails to catch ...

The further down:

"Remember, we want the needle to pass just above the eye of the needle after the needle has risen 2-3 millimeters above its bottommost position."

Did you mean to say, Remember we want the HOOK to pass just above ...

I love your blog and all the work you put into it!

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Thank you, Cale, for these lessons! Very informative and interesting.

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