Thank you sooo much for your very informative article. I look forward to reading more in future, like your father’s article!
Very thorough and clearly explained information! I am sure that I will be referring to it frequently in future.
My machine is an old Bernina Record 930. And I am always trying to find more info about minor repairs.
I used to have a sewing factory here in NYC. All industrial equipment of course. But I was able to aquire the mechanics books for each second hand machine that I bought. I really enjoyed taking them apart and tuning up or repairing them!
So I found your article fascinating! And thanks again🙏 !!
Sewing machines are very complex tools. We normally take them for granted until you’re in a rush to repair something and the machine isn’t performing as it should.
Thank you sooo much for your very informative article. I look forward to reading more in future, like your father’s article!
Very thorough and clearly explained information! I am sure that I will be referring to it frequently in future.
My machine is an old Bernina Record 930. And I am always trying to find more info about minor repairs.
I used to have a sewing factory here in NYC. All industrial equipment of course. But I was able to aquire the mechanics books for each second hand machine that I bought. I really enjoyed taking them apart and tuning up or repairing them!
So I found your article fascinating! And thanks again🙏 !!
Fascinating, as usual. Looking forward to Dan’s article.
Sewing machines are very complex tools. We normally take them for granted until you’re in a rush to repair something and the machine isn’t performing as it should.
Thanks for the article, it was very informative.
I am enjoying your articles very much. Learning!!